Real Estate Guest Bloggers Can Contribute | Write For Us!

luxury real estate agents canada

We are now accepting guest bloggers on Luxury Residence Canada from those in the industry(agents, brokers) and related(interior designer, artist) to it. We get on average 30,000 uniques visitors to our website monthly however we’re slowly working on building a stronger social following and newsletter base.

The luxury market in Canada has been on fire lately and there is certainly more to talk about than just the latest listing. We’re looking to hear from agents in their markets and what they think is changing. We want to hear from designers, artists and smart-home enthusiasts about what’s going on in their industry here in Canada.

Guest Bloggers – What We’re Looking For:

We’re looking for industry insight, to do interviews and get the latest statistics on what’s going on in the luxury market in your neck of the woods. If you’re looking to pitch your latest listing for us to cover please submit that to our Home Of The Week form which is also no cost.

Those who are also in related industries that we want to hear from, showcase your latest project or talk about a conference going on. We will help share and promote your work with our audience and beyond.

Guest Bloggers – What We’re NOT Looking For:

Low quality content and discussion just to get a backlink for SEO. We take pride in our content and want to showcase industry veterans with sound understanding of their craft. We also handle all listing posts in-house and each post is picked by our staff and or it was a sponsored post which you can buy here.